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What diet is helpful for sleep?

Posted by Admin | 03 Feb

1. Honey

Honey has the effect of replenishing qi and tonifying the middle, is a good tonic for all ages and is also a good sleeping food. Drink a cup of honey water before going to bed, which is very effective for insomnia caused by neurasthenia and can help you fall asleep. Drinking a cup of honey water every morning can moisten the intestines and relieve constipation.


2. Milk

This refers to warm milk, which can promote sleep. It contains some tryptophan (an amino acid with a sedative effect) and calcium, which is beneficial for the brain to make full use of tryptophan. And it can make people feel like they are young again. For babies, a warm bottle means "relax, everything is fine".


3. Chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea has a moderate sedative effect. It is a perfect natural countermeasure for nerves or bodies that cannot be relaxed. Computer workers should drink more chrysanthemum tea for a long time.


4. Banana

The contents of the banana peel are actually "sleeping pills". In addition to stabilizing serotonin and melatonin, bananas also contain magnesium which can relax muscles. In addition, bananas are the best fruit for defecation, but here refers to ripe bananas. Raw bananas cause constipation instead.


5. Potato

Potatoes are potatoes, which can remove acids that interfere with tryptophan, which can induce sleep. The potato can be roasted (boiled), mashed, and mixed with warm milk. Potatoes are the most nutritious vegetables, but potato chips are the least nutritious.


6. Lotus seed

The lotus seed is mild and sweet and has the functions of clearing the heart and calming the nerves, tonifying the spleen, and benefiting the kidney. It can treat insomnia caused by weakness of the heart and spleen and excessive heat of the heart. "Chongqing Tang Essays" records that "lotus seeds communicate with heart and kidney", so those who do not communicate with heart and kidney and have yin deficiency and fire should be cooked. Use it to cook porridge or stew pig heart soup. One meal a day can help you sleep.


7. Lily

Lily has the effect of nourishing yin and clearing the lung, clearing the heart and calming the nerves, and treating insomnia. Especially suitable for women. It is used to cook soup. One meal a day can sleep well.


8. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in sleep-promoting substances, which can induce melatonin production. A small bowl of cereal with a little sugar maple juice can promote sleep. It is also good to drink a cup of oatmeal every morning and evening, but if you chew a lot of oatmeal, the effect will be better.


9. Jujube

Jujube contains a variety of nutrients such as sugar, vitamin C, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. It has the functions of tonifying the spleen and replenishing qi, nourishing blood, and calming the nerves. It is suitable for people with insomnia due to a deficiency of the heart and spleen. The "Thousand Golden Prescription" records that "to cure the fatigue and boredom of deficiency, we can't sleep: 20 Chinese dates, seven stems of green onions, three liters of water in two flavors, one liter of boiled water, and one liter of dregs removed.". For neurasthenia, take 50g of jujube every night, add water to make juice, or boil soup with lily to prevent insomnia. Women can nourish their blood and beauty by eating more red dates.


10. Almond

Almonds are heart-healthy nuts. They contain tryptophan and a moderate amount of muscle relaxant magnesium, which can induce sleep.


11. Whole-wheat bread

Eating a piece of whole-wheat bread while drinking tea and honey water will help promote the secretion of insulin. Insulin will be converted into serotonin in the brain, which will help tryptophan affect the brain and promote sleep.


12. Flaxseed

Boil a bowl of oatmeal porridge, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of flaxseed, and eat it again, which can be beneficial to health. Because flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is a natural emotion-enhancing substance. It is suitable for eating when your life is blocked and your mood is low. It will have unexpected effects.


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