1. The pipette should not be dried in the oven.
2. The pipette must not remove a solution that is too hot or too cold.
3. The same pipette should be used whenever possible in the same experiment.
4. After the pipette raises the liquid level, the filter paper will erase the liquid on the outer wall of the pipette.
5. When looking at the scale, the scale of the pipette should be parallel to the eye, with the bottom meniscus shall prevail.
6. After the pipette is used, it should be washed immediately with tap water and distilled water and placed on the pipette rack.
7. Pipettes and volumetric flasks are often used together, so the relative volume is often calibrated before use.
8. In order to reduce the measurement error, the eight-channel pipette, should be the starting point from the scale (0 scales) of Sui to release the required volume, rather than the volume needed.